I recently got a tablet. This isn't meant to brag, it's just to show how behind the times I am. It seems a whole new nerdy world has opened up to me. I can read books, play games (mostly Angry Birds), and best of all - listen to Star Wars podcasts. I've just discovered Rebel Force Radio. I love it. It is just like being able to hang out with the Star Wars-loving friends I never had growing up.
Now that I have discovered them, I want to capitalize on the friendship they've shown me by getting on their show to talk Star Wars and shamelessly promote The Complete Bubby Anthology.
I also hope to get on to an NPR show, such as Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. Not because I think The Complete Bubby Anthology would appeal to the typical NPR listener, but because they are well-known for throwing money at people who ask them for it!
So, what can you do to help me live my dream? Buy lots of copies of my book so that I become popular enough for shows to want to ask me to come on as a guest.
Thanks in advance for your help!