
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Free eBooks - Today Through Thursday

Yes, that's right, today, tomorrow, and the next day, you can download all five singular episodes of Bubby for just pennies. Well, less than pennies, actually, because they're free. FREE, I tell ya!

In case you need each of the individual links, here they are:

Bubby I - Wanted: A Hero like None Other
Bubby II - Freak Attack
Bubby III - Pessimists of America Unite
Bubby IV - Return to Nobulescence
Bubby V - Napping With the Froggies

Update - Tuesday 6:00 a.m.:

First off, I would like to preface the following statement with a disclaimer. Outside of yesterday's post on this blog, I've done zero promotion for these books. Now, to the data:

Each book currently has one download each.

There, I said it.

Update - Tuesday 7:00 a.m.:

In all this time, I had never sold any copies of The Complete Bubby Anthology in paperback. Granted, there had been four sales of the Kindle edition, and one sale of Bubby I, but not a single paperback sale.

So you can imagine my surprise when I saw, over the weekend, that there had been a paperback sale and that, just yesterday, there had been yet another. This morning it stands ranked at #302,815 in the Amazon bookstore (I can't quite remember what it reached last night, though it was in the 200,000's).

Well, no new news to share about the current promotion, so I'll post another update later.

Update - Tuesday 4:00 p.m.:

Wow, it has been a busy day. Sorry for not posting an update sooner. However, in my defense, not much has been happening. Anyway, here is the current tally:

Bubby I - Wanted: A Hero like None Other - 12
Bubby II - Freak Attack - 15
Bubby III - Pessimists of America Unite - 15
Bubby IV - Return to Nobulescence - 15
Bubby V - Napping With the Froggies - 15

As expected, episodes II through V are being downloaded more, since episode I already had been offered for free a month ago. We'll see how the numbers grow as people get off work and decide to download themselves some free books.

Update - Tuesday 10:00 p.m.:

I've just been alerted that Kindle Nation Daily, through no effort on my part, listed all five books on their free list, both in the Humor and YA / Kids categories (go see for yourself).

After you return from checking that out, here is the download count as it stands this evening:

Bubby I - Wanted: A Hero like None Other - 22
Bubby II - Freak Attack - 32
Bubby III - Pessimists of America Unite - 33
Bubby IV - Return to Nobulescence - 33
Bubby V - Napping With the Froggies - 31

I honestly have no idea why a certain someone would download episodes III and IV, but skip episode II. I've been refreshing the page periodically through the night to see if the number ever catches up, but it never does. I mean, I can understand missing episode V, if you didn't know there was one. But II comes before III and IV... seriously, how do you miss a free download?!

I guess I'll just have a fitful night's rest trying to reconcile the issue in my head.

Update - Wednesday 6:00 a.m.:

What a relief! As I awoke this morning the download count made a little more sense:

Bubby I - Wanted: A Hero like None Other - 38
Bubby II - Freak Attack - 49
Bubby III - Pessimists of America Unite - 49
Bubby IV - Return to Nobulescence - 48
Bubby V - Napping With the Froggies - 45

Now we just need to see if these books can reach the two day count The Complete Bubby Anthology achieved without any advertising (89). We're halfway there, I think it is manageable.

Also noteworthy: Bubby III reached the #1 spot on the Superhero chart. Hooray!

Update - Wednesday 7:00 p.m.:

We're doing pretty well. Even Bubby I has peaked at #1 (in the Superhero category) - and it has been downloaded the least of all five.

Bubby I - Wanted: A Hero like None Other - 56
Bubby II - Freak Attack - 63
Bubby III - Pessimists of America Unite - 63
Bubby IV - Return to Nobulescence - 62
Bubby V - Napping With the Froggies - 61

Update - Thursday 12:00 p.m.:

Gee, things have really tanked since yesterday evening. I'm rather at a loss for words. So, without further ado, here is the current tally:

Bubby I - Wanted: A Hero like None Other - 63
Bubby II - Freak Attack - 68
Bubby III - Pessimists of America Unite - 68
Bubby IV - Return to Nobulescence - 67
Bubby V - Napping With the Froggies - 66

Update - Thursday 9:00 p.m.:

Things continue to go slowly throughout the afternoon and evening. Just yesterday I was thinking that each of the five episodes would beat (or at least tie) what The Complete Bubby Anthology accomplished in its last free run (which was 89 downloads). Alas, it does not appear to be likely anymore.

And now, the download tally:

Bubby I - Wanted: A Hero like None Other - 67
Bubby II - Freak Attack - 71
Bubby III - Pessimists of America Unite - 71
Bubby IV - Return to Nobulescence - 70
Bubby V - Napping With the Froggies - 70

Update - Friday 8:00 a.m.:

Thursday was a lousy day for free downloads, as you can see from the ending tally below:

Bubby I - Wanted: A Hero like None Other - 70
Bubby II - Freak Attack - 74
Bubby III - Pessimists of America Unite - 74
Bubby IV - Return to Nobulescence - 73
Bubby V - Napping With the Froggies - 73

Now we just have to wait and see if the promotion period results in any additional sales.

And, now that the KDP Select exclusivity period is over, the Smashwords ePub editions should be rolling out shortly (probably tomorrow). In the meantime, you can already pick up The Complete Bubby Anthology at Smashwords right now.

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